Running a business in a small building is a hard task to do. You have to divide the space on the building so it can be used to run a business. One of the solutions is by installing a sliding partition. Let’s check the detail below before installing the partition to support your business activity.

sliding partition officeKANTOR BKKBN JAKARTA TIMUR

About Sliding Partition for Business

The main function of the sliding partition is to separate a room into two rooms. The best part of using this product is that you can use it fast and simple. Moreover, you can also take the room just like before by opening the partition. The point is that the partition doesn’t reduce the space but it helps you to make the room becomes a multifunction room. It is up to you whether you want to use a sliding partition with rail wheels or with folding doors.

The Way to Apply the Partition

Let say, you have a limited room but you need to have an office and a place to present your products and services to the customers and clients. To limit the time, you just need to install a sliding partition. The sliding partition is able to divide the room into two different rooms in a very short time. As the result, you will have an office and a place to present or promote your products and service. Even, it will be easy for you to go to one room to another because you just need to open the door. If you need a larger room, you just have to open the partition and you get what you need. The partition can be installed and uninstalled right away and it is a great solution instead of using a permanent separator.

price sliding partitionFINISHING HPL


The sound is a problem to solve, especially if you have to serve customers and clients every day in the same place and time. A sliding partition is a good solution because this product is able to muffle the sound from the room. Some of the partitions are designed with soundproof so you can’t hear the sound from the next room. As the result, your team is able to focus on their duty in serving the customers or clients in the office room and promote the products or services in the presentation room.

jakarta sliding partition

Customized Partition

Interestingly, a sliding partition looks like a permanent wall where you can manage it just like a wall. You may choose the best design and color so it follows the theme of your office. It seems that people are not realized that they are entering a room which has been divided with a partition. So, everything will be comfortable and you can run your business just like before.

Durability and Stylish

Durability is a good part of using a sliding partition. The partition is thick enough because it is made of several high-quality materials including multiplex, Rockwool, PVC, and glass. This is the reason why the partition is not only durable but also stylish to use. Just ask the provider to create a partition just like what you need.

The point is that developing a business in a small building is not a problem anymore. Now, you can make the building effective and efficient along with the use of a sliding partition.